Three Cheers for Earthworms! There are 29 different species of earthworms in the UK. Of these, 16 can be found in British gardens, varying greatly in size and colour. Charles Darwin was keen on worms, and thought few other animals played so important a part in the history of the world, which is quite a claim. He studied them for …
Pregnant Frog
Along with a couple of garden visitors, I was looking at a stationary adult frog in the pond. Hey – said a woman, there’s an extra pair of legs, one frog is on top of another. What had seemed a single frog was in fact a breeding pair. Prior to fertilisation, the male gets on the back of the female, …
Sparrows – 4th Feb, 2024
Before the red squirrel became rare, it was regarded by hunters and farmers as vermin. They ate the seeds in the fields and grouse-feed too. And much less well known, they added to their diet with birds eggs and chicks, Game keepers shot and trapped the cuties. The grey squirrel was introduced from the US by Thomas Brocklhurst, a rich …